Good Day:
Our institution is redesigning our Conflict of Interest disclosure process, particularly how disclosures are monitored prior to application submission. We are interested in learning about the best practices at other organizations to assist in this endeavor. We would appreciate your response to the following questions.
At your institution, which department or group is responsible for collecting COI disclosures? (e.g. compliance office, office of sponsored programs, and/or Department/sections).
Also, which department or group is responsible for ensuring that the COI disclosures are submitted and/or up to date prior to proposal submission?
At your institution, are the disclosures collected/submitted through an electronic COI system/module or manually (paper)?
If you have an electronic system/module for COI disclosures, is that system electronically integrated/interfaced with your electronic proposal tracking/submission system?
If you have an integrated electron COI disclosure/proposal submission system, can the users easily see that the COI disclosures are present and up to date, or do the proposal reviewers need to check the system to ensure that the disclosures were submitted and up to date?
If you have addition information about how COI disclosures
are submitted and tracked prior to proposal submission at your institute,
please include in your response.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Ellen Jamieson
Director, Grants and Contract
Boston Medical Center Research Operations
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