We wanted to pose the question to the listserv as to how other universities are handling the transition from the Grants.gov fully stitched PDF application packages to the new Workspaces. Our questions are as follows:

1. If you have an S2S software application are you requiring that all available opportunities be submitted via that program, and working with Workspaces if an opportunity is not available via S2S?
2. Are you allowing your PI’s to choose whether to use your S2S software or Workspaces?
3. When utilizing Workspaces do you set up all of your PIs with the ability to “manage” workspaces or do/will you as the AOR’s set up all workspaces for your PIs?

Any other information you would like to share on how you intend to utilize Workspaces will be welcomed. Please respond via email if you do not wish to have this information published to the listserv.

Thank you in advance for your responses,

S. Corey Burger, CRA
Senior Grant & Contract Officer
Division of Sponsored Programs
Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies
Utah State University

1415 Old Main Hill ~ Room 64
Logan, UT 84322-1415
(435) 797-1661 – Phone
(435) 797-3543 – Fax

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