Hi Maryellen,
I had very similar questions on a couple of FFAR proposals I’m working on. I was able to get some additional information from them via email. Based on those emails, here are my thoughts.
1) My understanding is that F&A can be requested up to 10% of the total project costs. Which, if 1-to-1 match is required, is essentially 20% TFFA on the request side and 0% on the match side.
From FFAR: “FFAR allows indirect costs up to
10 percent of the total award funds, including match share… For example, for a grant totaling $100,000 (FFAR and institutional match) up to $10,000 can be used for indirect costs and the remaining
$90,000 can be applied toward project expenses. ”
2) My understanding is that they do not want to see any F&A on the cost share side. In the solicitation they specifically stated that you cannot use unrecovered F&A as match. I took it a bit
further and asked specifically if we could forgo some of the 10% that is allowed and use that as match. They said no.
From FFAR: “Applicants cannot offer their F&A cost as a match.”
Finally, my interpretation is that they require at least 50% of the match to be cash and 50% or less can come from in-kind.
Feel free to give me a call if you have additional questions about this. I’ve had several email exchanges with them about a variety of budget questions and would happy to pass along whatever
information I can.
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org]
On Behalf Of Maryellen O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 3:46 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Request for help with Fdn. for Food and Agriculture RFA
Hi all,
We have an application due to the FFAR in 48 hours. We had questions about the F&A calculation as well as specifics on the cost sharing. We went through their email channels and didn’t get sufficient detailed
answers. In fact, the answer muddied the water more and we were advised that it’s not critical as this is just the preproposal. In additional emails, a PO and Grants person told us to call Sally Rockey, which seemed a bit odd. While it is a preproposal,
it’s for over $1M and we need to comply with our university policies which require more detail.
I just called their number and was told to email the same business email again. I was told I’m not allowed to talk to a person, that all communications are through email. I’m in a bit of disbelief as we
followed the process, but still don’t have answers and are on deadline.
If any of you have applied to this organization before, I’m hoping you can answer these two questions.
If their F&A 10% TDC or 10% of total federal funds. The solicitation isn’t clear and the email answer was conflicted.
This project requires 50% match, of which only 50% can be “in kind” and no unrecovered F&A. How do they define F&A? Does that mean the other 50% has to be cash?
Thanks for your wisdom and advice.
Maryellen O’Brien
Director of Grants and Contracts
College of Agricultural Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA 16801
If you plan on submitting a proposal please use the following link to provide our office with the information we need to get your plans on our calendar and in workflow.
Please try to provide at least 3 weeks notice.
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