Hi all,

I sent this yesterday to the CLASP listserv and did not get a response, so hoping maybe someone can give some feedback in here.

Is the "Applicant and Community Support" section of the TRIO grant application considered a Cost Share Commitment that needs to be tracked? Ours reads very much that way, as "in kind" dollar values are assigned to many of the resources, and some of it is spelled out in the budget.

How do your institutions handle this section? Perhaps I need to encourage our project directors to write these sections differently??


Megan Roth, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Abilene Christian University
320 Hardin Administration Bldg
ACU Box 29103
Abilene, TX 79699
O: 325-674-2885
F: 325-674-6785
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