Dear Colleagues,


I have searched the archives for this and I’m coming up with nothing. Here is the scenario: A faculty who is a 9 month appointment is awarded a grant that pays 2 months summer salary. Do you charge the grant the full fringe, some fringe or just FICA/SS/WC/Unemp (as if the position was just a temporary one)?


My understanding is that a faculty who is only 9 months has their full fringe taken care of through that appointment and not for the summer.


Policies and links to requisite regulations would be most helpful.


Jeanne M. Viviani, MPA
Director, Sponsored Programs

Office of Research Services
Florida Polytechnic University


W: 863.874.8534 | C: 813.765.0439

4700 Research Way

Lakeland, FL 33805-8531


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