Hi all,
Question regarding modular budgets and F&A calculations on a budget that has no exclusions from the base…
Total Direct Cost: $49,941
Module Request: $50,000 (nearest module)
Do we calculate F&A off of the Module Request ($50,000) or our Total Direct Cost amount ($49,941)?
Note: there is nothing to exclude from the base (no tuition, no patient care, no equipment etc.) I know that if items are excluded in accordance with your approved F&A rate agreement you take the MTDC base and calculate the F&A from that amount for a modular budget.
Thank you,
Candice (Foster) Klinge
Grants Administrator
Research Business Operations
Children's Research Institute - The Children's Mercy Hospital
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108-4619
Phone: 816-701-1343 (CMH ext. x41343)
Email: xxxxxx@cmh.edu