
Freely, gave back to the research administration profession by sharing her knowledge and expertise with the research community.  She was out ahead of the curve on most issues.  I recall Julie and Barbara Yoder agreeing to come to a SRA TX Chapter meeting to share their expertise on export controls, back in the day when most of us barely knew about such things.  




From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Stroud, Suzanne
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 2:28 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Remembering Julie T. Norris


Julie T. Norris is a name most of us who have been in research administration since the ‘80s will remember as one of the leading spirits in this country.  From the very beginning Julie was involved in explaining federal regulations, NCURA, co-authoring  A Guide to Managing Federal Grants and was respected by federal government officers and peers from all over the country.


Julie passed away early this morning in Houston, Texas. 


I wanted to let the research admin community know – and to offer a brief thank you for how giving, intelligent and amazingly energetic she was to make research administration a true profession beginning 40 years ago.   Julie was the Assistant Vice President and Director of Sponsored Programs at the University of Houston until 1995 and then directed MIT’s Office of Sponsored Programs for 10 years. Later she worked at Huron Consulting.


Each of us who knew Julie will cherish her warmth and vision.  What an incredible spirit!  Thank you, Julie!






Suzanne Stroud, CRA, CPRA, CFRA

Grant & Contract Associate

Office of Research

Sponsored Programs Office

Baylor College of Medicine

One Baylor Plaza, Suite 600D, MS BCM-310

Houston, TX 77030-3411

Phone: 713-798-8067

Email: xxxxxx@bcm.edu

SPO Email: xxxxxx@bcm.edu

SPO Website: https://www.bcm.edu/research



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