This is somewhat related to this topic and perhaps useful if you have highly compensated investigators: There is a compensation cap on covered NASA awards of
$487K. Here’s a link to the OMB page to reference
https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/procurement/cecp. The OMB refers to contracts awarded by all agencies, but one of the definitions within the information under
10 USC 2324 (which is also hyperlinked from the OMB page) specifically names DOD, NASA and Coast Guard.
According to 10 USC 2324, a “covered contract” is one that exceed $500K, “except that such term does not include a fixed-price contract without cost incentives
or any firm fixed-price contract for the purchase of commercial items.”
The important issue to keep in mind with this cap is that it includes all compensation and not just salary as with the NIH cap:
“The term "compensation", for a year, means the total amount of wages, salary, bonuses and deferred compensation for the year, whether
paid, earned, or otherwise accruing, as recorded in an employer's cost accounting records for the year.” 10 USC 2324.
An institution at which I previously worked had several DOD grants, contracts and cooperative agreements and we applied this cap to all of the awards (not just
contracts) made by the DOD that exceeded the $500K threshold.
William C. Helmrath, MSM, CRA
Grants and Contracts Coordinator III
Sponsored Programs
2621 Morgan Circle Drive, 224-D Morgan Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-4506
865.974.7353 Office
| ag.tennessee.edu
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org]
On Behalf Of Elizabeth Haney
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 9:48 AM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Summer salary limits on NASA grants?
Good morning
How timely...I am working on a NASA proposal now too.
The NASA proposers guidebook (http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook/)
for 2015 does not have any reference to summer salary or any limitations on the number of months of salary that can be requested.
I am newer to NASA proposals, so I don't have a memory of what they used to require, but I looked at the proposers guidebooks going back to 2001 and found no references to summer salary or any limitations on the number of months of salary that can be requested.
I also checked with a colleague from my institution's Earth and Planetary Sciences department and he said that in his experience NASA does not have
a two-months rule.
Hope this helps!
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Farnsworth, Franci <xxxxxx@middlebury.edu> wrote:
We are working on a budget proposal for NASA funding (Newton telescope, Goddard Space Flight Center) and I’m trying to determine whether there is a limitation on the number of months of summer salary that can be requested (per year). I seem to recall that NASA, like NSF, used to have a 2 month limit – but I can’t find any reference to summer salary at all. However, the documentation is really confusing so I may be missing something. NSF now has a 2 month limit per year (regardless of whether it’s academic year and/or summer) without special approval. But NASA?
Does anyone know? What am I missing?
Franci Vinal Farnsworth
Associate Director of Grants & Sponsored Programs
Middlebury CollegeMiddlebury, VT 05753
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