Mr. Bond,

In our experience working with institutions that have Banner and use it for post award activities it has always been managed by the folks in finance and in some occasions by very adept people who focus on post award as it's fairly complicated to manage.  That being said those that use it speak very highly of it and I'm quite sure you'll get some great feedback from the list.


On 2/9/2015 1:34 PM, Bond, Chris wrote:

Hello Colleagues,


If anyone uses the Banner Financials system at their institution and has successfully integrated the Research Accounting (and other associated?) “modules”, would you be able to answer a few questions? I am not really even sure where to start as I am new to Banner, and to my institution. I vaguely get the sense that while we are using some modules of Banner (like for the general ledger), there are other modules that we are not using at all (like Research Accounting).


Are there any published comprehensive guides on using the Research Accounting modules in Banner, particularly that walk through step-by-step with different examples?


Is this something that is feasible for one person to learn on their own and start implementing, or is this something that requires much more in the way of external consultation with Ellucian and outside personnel to get off the ground?





Chris Bond

Director, Sponsored Research Administration

Alfred University

607-871-2964 |


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