

When you are preparing your NIH progress reports for the next period of support, do you request that your subawardee provide you with a form 2590, budget detail, budget justification and statement of work prior to submitting your progress report or do you request the information when you are preparing the subaward modifications?


Thank you


Eleanor M. Cicinsky  Senior Grants and Contracts Administrator

OVPR-Grants Management
Temple University-Of The Commonwealth System of Higher Education

3340 N. Broad Street  - Student Faculty Center, Room 427C

Philadelphia, PA  19140

Phone:  215.204.8691; 215-707-8611

Fax: 215.707.8387|Email:  xxxxxx@temple.edu|Web:  www.temple.edu/research/gm




Proposals are due to OVP-SPA (5) business days prior to sponsor deadline.



We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
George S. Patton


"the happy person is one who can forget that which cannot be changed."  Anon

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