Hi Everyone,
On behalf of the Open Science Initiative working group, I’m pleased to present this draft of our findings and recommendations for your review and feedback:
This working group was comprised of 112 participants from around the globe---a diverse team of scientists, open access experts, scholarly librarians, publishers, research managers, and more. During most of November, the group debated online (at xxxxxx@onlinegroups.net) about how to improve the academic publishing system, and open access in particular.
This document captures the perspectives that were shared.
As far as recommendations are concerned, this group is proposing to hold a series of high-level conferences over the next ten years focused on improving academic publishing. The first of these conferences will be planned for late 2015. More information will be available soon. For the time being, if your institution or organization is interested in helping sponsor, plan or host these events, please let me know. All manner of help, involvement, and ownership of this effort is most welcome. We’re planning to include a very broad array of stakeholders in these discussions.
The main focus of this first conference will be academic publishing reform and not necessarily open access reform, since focusing just on open access will divert attention from some of the larger context that also needs to be discussed. The objective of this first meeting will be to walk away with an agreement between stakeholders to:
1. improve academic publishing practices and outputs over both the short-term and the longer-term
2. create a framework and timetable for reform
3. commit to work together to implement these reforms in a timely manner and spread the new processes beyond the borders of those in attendance, and
4. monitor and fine-tune these efforts to continue improving academic publishing outcomes for all stakeholders worldwide.
Specific actions may also come out of this first meeting, but the first and most critical step will be to agree to work together toward our common goals.
Given the range of issues and interests in academic publishing and the often-ingrained policies and practices of stakeholders, we don’t expect that a single meeting will immediately resolve all issues for everyone. However, the frameworks of a solution are reachable, as the referenced document describes.
The OSI working group is pleased to present this working paper, and invites your feedback.
Glenn Hampson
Executive Director, nSCI
On behalf of the OSI working group
December 2014
Glenn Hampson
Executive Director
National Science Communication Institute (nSCI)
2320 N 137th Street | Seattle, WA 98133
(206) 417-3607 | xxxxxx@nationalscience.org | nationalscience.org
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