Here’s a link to 2014 Federal Holidays. As you can see, Turkey Day #2 is not a Federal Holiday, so if the proposal has a deadline of 11/28/14, that’s when it’s due.



Evelyn J. Ford

University of Pennsylvania
Associate Director, Office of Research Services
Team Leader, PennERA Group
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From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 9:12 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] NIH Due Date?


I know that if an NIH grant due date falls on a weekend, it’s due the following Monday.

I know that if an NIH grant due date falls on a holiday, it’s due on the following business day.


But what about Black Friday (November 28th)? Is that considered a Federal Holiday, or not really?


I swear they never look at calendars for these FOA’s!





Robin N Dewey, MS, CRA
Director, Office of Academic and Government Grants
McDaniel College
2 College Hill
Westminster, MD 21157-4390
Voice: 410-386-4699
Cell: 585-797-8536


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