As I said off-line. You need to work with your Technology Transfer Office.
This is intellectual property owned by your institution. Knowing just enough about this project to be dangerous, at the very least a material transfer agreement (MTA) language which is expanded to address
the licensing, data use and reciprocity issues would be a suggestion.
Jude Wilkinson, JD
Office of Research
Fiscal Officer & Industrial Liaison
Indiana University
School of Dentistry
415 Lansing Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
From: Research Administration List []
On Behalf Of Schoen, Alexander
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Need Agreement Template for Contributing to a Biorepository
It seems you need more than a simple participation agreement and if you are participating in building the facility, you’ll need a more involved agreement that discusses the set up and running of the biorepository.
If your organization is going to be partially responsible for the enterprise, it may be money well spent to involve your institution’s legal department, you are correct, it seems the other institution has not written a specific agreement for this either.
Maybe the institutions working to set it up should work together on the proper type of agreement. You could also contact another bio-rep and ask how they set theirs up.
Alexander Schoen, MBA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Winthrop Research Institute
Winthrop-University Hospital
222 Station Plaza North, Suite 301
Mineola, NY 11501
Phone: (516) 663-4931
Fax: (516) 663-9718
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From: Research Administration List []
On Behalf Of Gray, Barbara
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 12:41 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Need Agreement Template for Contributing to a Biorepository
Hi, medical school research administrators. I need your help.
We have been asked to participate in building a biorepository (providing specimens and clinical data) at another (non-IHE) organization. They’ve given us a clinical trial agreement, calling this an observational study, but there is no
protocol that addresses a research question. The agreement gives this organization ownership of the database and specimens, and there are no provisions (other than a recital that indicates intent) that give access to the biorepository to institutions/researchers
who contribute. They also are asking that we assign our IP rights to them, as a corporate CTA would do. I’m new to the world of med schools, but this feels like they’re trying to use a type of agreement that doesn’t fit with the nature of the activity.
Data use agreements don’t seem to fit well, either, as they appear to be used after the biorepository is established and accessible.
What kind of agreement should be used for participation in building a biorepository? Does anyone have an agreement template you can share?
Thanks much.
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