Really, Barbara?  That will take all the fun out of it!


Seriously, I have nothing to offer in your quest, but I think it is a great idea.  There is nothing more frustrating than templates that include everything but the kitchen sink!


From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Gray, Barbara
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 9:08 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Using "Plain English" contracts??


We are interested in rewriting some of our standard contract templates so that they are in “plain English” (de-legalized) and targeted for specific types of low risk work:  delivery of standard training programs, like Lean Six Sigma, to industry clients or at the local community college; fee based analytical agreements ($ per sample analyzed with no interpretation of results); small exploratory research projects with local industry in which IP generation is not yet anticipated, and the like.  We often supply the agreement form for non-profits and small companies that don’t do a lot of contracting and don’t have their own agreements.  Our current super-long, highly legalized agreement templates include everything but the kitchen sink, regardless of applicability, and are rather off-putting to small non-profits and companies that don’t have legal staff and don’t want to spend big bucks on an attorney to explain the agreement.  We have traditionally been very risk averse and so I will have a challenge to change the mindset here.  I know that there are international, national, and even state “plain language” initiatives (NY even has a plain English law), but these are pretty much restricted to consumer contracts (credit card agreements, cable TV contracts, and the like).  So, of course, I’m looking for other university sponsored program offices that may have already made the move to “plain English” for their agreements.  If your office has done so, would you please identify yourself and perhaps tell me where I might look to find some of your templates?  I wouldn’t mind hearing from those of you who have a legal background about the advisability of our plan and any potential pitfalls. 








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