I’d be interested in coordinating a listserv for folks who are trying to work with the EU-funded research programs.


Send me a note if you are interested.





Michael Joseph Kusiak




Research Policy Analysis and Coordination

University of California, Office of the President




From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Mary Gibson
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:40 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] European Union agreement?


I found it is less a matter of standard terms (IP, publication etc) and all about the systems compliance / audit requirements.  I am currently waiting to hear back from the EU to see if the new Horizon 2020 program made changes from the FP7 program. The previous FP 7 program required an EU compliant financial system, EU certified annual audit and EU compliant labor/effort reporting system. 


On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 7:36 PM, "Smith, Debbie L" <xxxxxx@UTHSC.EDU> wrote:

We found the EU to be completely inflexible with regard to their terms and conditions.  It's pretty much take it or leave it.  They also seem not to be too keen on giving money to US institutions.


If you'd like to contact me about our experience, please call 901 448-4823; we're on Central time.


Debbie Smith




From: "xxxxxx@foundation.sdsu.edu" <xxxxxx@foundation.sdsu.edu>
Reply-To: Research List <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org>
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 3:54 PM
To: Research List <xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org>
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] European Union agreement?


Hi Everyone,


Like Jen, we at SDSURF are interested in EU opportunities.  I would greatly appreciate it if anyone would be willing to share a redacted agreement.  This would allow us to evaluate the terms and conditions to determine if an EU award would be feasible.


Best Regards,



Sandra M. Nordahl, CRA

Director, SR Contracting and Compliance

  and Facility Security Officer

San Diego State University Research Foundation

5250 Campanile Drive

San Diego, CA  92182-1934

voice: 619.594.4172

fax:     619.582.9164





Society of Research Administrators International




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From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Jennifer Donais
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:32 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] European Union agreement?


Dear Colleagues,

I’m wondering if any of you have been successful at obtaining (and accepting) an European Union award.  We are currently evaluating an opportunity, but anticipate some challenges with the EU terms. 


Has anyone successfully negotiated a grant agreement with the EU and if so, are you willing to share your experience with me?





*  *  *

Jennifer A. Donais, MPA, CRA


Office of Research Compliance

Research Administration Building

70 Butterfield Terrace

University of Massachusetts

Amherst, MA 01003

Phone: (413) 545-5896

Fax: (413) 577-1728




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