Good morning!

I'm doing my first NASA proposal in some time, and I'm finding some of their instructions to be a bit vague.  Could someone help clarify this for me?

In the Proposer Guidebook, under section 2.3.8 Current and Pending Support, it states that Current and Pending support is required for “Co-Investigators who are proposed to perform a significant share (greater than 10%) of the proposed work”.

Does this mean greater than 10% of the total personnel effort, or any Co-Investigator whose individual effort is greater than 10%?

Thanks so much,

Karen Dickinson-Mazzei
Manager, Proposal Development Group
Life Sciences and Genomics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road, MS: 977
Berkeley, CA 94720
415/254-6874 cell
510/486-4133 office

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