I had an idea that I thought might help expand the reach for CRA/CPRA and raise awareness. Rather than waiting until I am officially on board, I thought I would put the bug in your ear now as agendas are being
What about asking for time on the agenda for one of the all attendee sessions at national meetings for NCURA and SRA? Even just 10 minutes would be time to acknowledge newly credentialed administrators and then
all attendees that have credentials. It would allow their colleagues to see that they can do it, too. I think it would be great to publicly recognize them and perhaps, if enough time was allowed, to have one of them speak for a couple of minutes about what
it means to them. And then tell everyone to stop by the booth in the vendor area.
Just a thought. J
Best Regards,
Lynda Olin, MA, MS, CRA
Research Special Projects
From: Research Administration List []
On Behalf Of Carter, Kim
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 10:42 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Certified Pre-award Research Administrator (CPRA) review sessions
You may be interested in attending a CPRA review session if you…
Have expertise in pre-award and want the recognition and satisfaction of becoming a CPRA
Are a CRA who recognizes the benefit of expanding your credentials with a CPRA
Want to better assess your pre-award knowledge and identify topics where you may benefit from studying before taking the CPRA exam
Plan to be in Vancouver attending NCURA’s pre-award conference
Want to spend a fun-filled day of learning with Pat Buennemeyer and me
Upcoming CPRA review sessions:
July 17, 2012 in Vancouver BC (held on the day before the NCURA pre-award conference) There’s still time to register for this session even though the date is next month!
September 27, 2012 in Orlando FL (held on the day before the SRA annual meeting)
November 2, 2012 in Washington DC (held on the day before the NCURA annual meeting)
More information on the review sessions and the CPRA exam is available at
You may also be interested in knowing that RACC will come to your institution and present the CPRA review session for institutions with several pre-award research administrators who are interested in the CPRA exam. Please contact Joan
Campbell at for more information.
I look forward to seeing you at a review session,
Kim C. Carter, CRA, CPRA
Vice Chair, Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC)
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