When I called to report the problem, I was told the deadline was moved until tomorrow (and the announcement would be on their page once they were back up).

Jackie Frederick

On 5/29/2012 11:11 AM, Camie Morrison wrote:


We are trying to submit a NSF TUES application today.  The PI has been have some problems with fastlane all weekend.  I spoke with the Help Desk and fastlane is now down.  They are working on the "Bad Gateway Error".  I watching for an official announcement that today’s grant deadline will be pushed back.


Has anyone seen an official announcement?



Camie Morrison, MBA, CRA, CAP

Director of Sponsored Research

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Camden Campus

311 Cooper Street

Camden, NJ 08102-1405


Phone:  856-225-2949

Departmental Phone:  856-225-6249

Fax:  856-225-6687

Email:  xxxxxx@camden.rutgers.edu





From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Wendi Jensen
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:53 AM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] FastLane problems?


Good morning,


Is anyone else having trouble with FastLane this morning?  I have been trying to log in for ~45 minutes.  It took quite a while to connect to the site; since then, I have not been able to access proposals in progress. 


Is it me and my settings, or are there other issues? 





Wendi Chiarbos Jensen

Coordinator  |  Office of Sponsored Programs and Research  |   University of Nebraska at Omaha  |

6001 Dodge Street  |  Omaha, NE  68182-0210 

402-554-2286  |  xxxxxx@unomaha.edu



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Jackie Frederick
Director, PreAward
Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
201J University Hall
Dayton, OH  45435-0001

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