Sounds way too familiar!


Cindy Haverstock

Grants Manager

Grants Strategy Development and Administration

Banner Health

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Phoenix, AZ 85006-2837

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From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Donahue, Sherie (LLU)
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] HRSA EHBS Budget for AENT


I think our institution is now in their system 7 times….it makes looking for a certain proposal interesting to say the least!



Sherie Donahue, MS, CRA – Electronic Research Specialist
| Office of the Vice President for Research Affairs
Loma Linda, CA 92350
(909) 651-5098 or (909) 558-1000, x83911
·  (909) 558-0244 (fax) ·

The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer. – motto of the US Army Corps of Engineers during WWII
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. – Albert Einstein


From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Brockman, Nancy
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] HRSA EHBS Budget for AENT


Hi Barbara,


We had a different glitch.  It didn’t recognize our institution.  With the help of the HELP desk I had to add a new institution.  The folks at HRSA did admit the glitch/error was at their end.



Nancy Brockman

Pre/Post Award Research Coordinator

1111 Middle Drive, NU 338 C

Indianapolis, IN  46202-5107

PH: 317-274-3052

Fax: 317-278-2021




From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Barbara H. Gray
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 3:30 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] HRSA EHBS Budget for AENT




We just submitted a application for the HRSA Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship program (due today).  It sailed through and I immediately got access to the proposal in HRSA’s Electronic Handbook System.  I encountered several glitches in EHBS and am wondering if others are finding the same thing.


1.       EHBS populated with our PI/PD’s name under Key/Senior personnel but didn’t recognize her as the PI/PD.  I had to add her again with the “Other – PI/PD” role and delete the initial entry to get the section to save without errors.


2.       EHBS didn’t pick up the budget justification from; there was nothing there.  I had to upload the document again directly into EHBS. 


3.       Of greatest concern:  Total Direct Cost did not auto-calculate correctly for either Year 1 or Year 2.  It doubled the TDC for each year.  The indirect was correct.  However, the TDC error carried through to the Total line.  So, in Year 1, instead of totaling to our request of $349,902, it totaled to $681,564.  I did contact the CallCenter about this and have sent a screen shot.  The matter is being referred to the Operations Department. 






Barbara Gray


Please Note:  Because of a temporary staff vacancy in OSPRA, a response to your query may take longer than usual.  If you have not received a response within a week, please follow up with either a second email or a telephone call.  Thank you for your patience. 


Barbara H. Gray, M.P.H.

Director of Sponsored Programs

     & Research Administration

IRB and IACUC Administrator

Valdosta State University

1500 North Patterson Street

Valdosta, GA  31698

Telephone:  229.333.7837

Facsimile:  229.245.3853


Office Location:

Psychology Building, Room 3106


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