I would also be interested as I’m writing and updating many SOP’s here right now.  Thanks.


Cindy Haverstock

Grants Manager

Grants Strategy Development and Administration

Banner Health

1441 North 12th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85006-2837

Phone: 602-747-8136

Fax: 602-747-4185


Our Mission: "We exist to make a difference in people's lives through excellent patient care."


From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Christine Hempowicz
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 1:27 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] SOP on Award Negotiation and Acceptance (examples sought)


I respectfully request a copy as well.


Thank you.


Christine Hempowicz


Christine Hempowicz, Ed.D.
Director, Office of Sponsored Research
University of Bridgeport
Wahlstrom Library, Room 716
(203) 576-4973

From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Geoffrey Schick
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:14 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] SOP on Award Negotiation and Acceptance (examples sought)


Greetings o' wise and knowing Listserve!

Does anyone have an SOP on "Award Negotiation and Acceptance" they are proud of, and/or willing to share?

Geoffrey A. Schick
Director, Clinical Trials Research
Aurora Health Care Inc.
Ph: 414-219-7815 Fx: 414-219-5381
1020 North 12th Street, Office #4045
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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