I use all of these occasionally for fact-finding or exploration; I do not use any of them systematically as part of my program.
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Patton, Linda
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Uses of Social Media in Research Administration
I am preparing to lead a group discussion on the subject topic at the upcoming GRC conference later this month and will also serve on a panel at the NCURA national meeting in November on a related topic. I'd really appreciate hearing from you on whether or not you are currently using any of the current social media in your work e.g. Twitter, YouTube, podcasts, webinars, LinkedIn,; if so, in what ways? If not, have you any suggested ideas about how you or others could use this technology in our daily work?
Please respond to me directly at I will be happy to share our findings with any who are interested. It would be especially helpful to receive your response prior to August 19th.
Thanks for your anticipated assistance.
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