We're also submitting a collaborative proposal and are the non-lead with a post-doc. It's our understanding that whichever institution has the postdoc submits the mentoring plan.
My email address will be changing to xxxxxx@umd.edu, so please start using this address.
Meredith Tabor
Research Coordinator
Department of Psychology
University of Maryland
1128 Biology-Psychology Building
College Park, MD 20742
Office Phone: 301-405-0269
Fax: 301-314-9566
>>> Ashley Matzenbacher <xxxxxx@SIU.EDU> 7/27/2011 4:06 PM >>>

Does anyone have any experience with postdoc mentoring plans for multi-institutional collaborative submissions?  The GPG states that “If applicable, the lead organization’s submission also must include a supplemental mentoring plan that must not exceed one page, and that addresses the mentoring activities to be provided for all postdoctoral researchers supported under the entire collaborative project.” 


In this particular situation the non-lead institution is requesting funding for a postdoc and has already prepared a postdoc mentoring plan.  We are the lead institution and have not included a postdoc in our budget.  Based on the above guidelines it seems that we are still required to submit this document.   Can anyone provide me with any guidance on this issue and what should be included in this document?



Ashley Matzenbacher

Research Project Specialist

Office of Research Development and Administration

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Woody Hall C-216

900 South Normal Street, Mail Code 4709

Carbondale, Illinois  62901

Phone  (618) 453-4542

Fax    (618) 453-8038   



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