The budget should be reflective of the project.  If all of the aims can be accomplished for $250K or less then the modular option is the way to go.  It will be obvious in the research plan whether or not the proposed budget is enough or not enough to accomplished all the tasks set forth.   




Bonnie Kwit

Grants and Contracts Officer

Oakland University

505 Wilson Hall

(248) 370-4116



From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Elle Choe
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 3:18 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Non-modular budget R01


Hello everyone,


I would like to hear from those who have recently submitted an R01 with non-modular budget.


My PI is contemplating between mod and non-mod because of what’s going on with the federal budget/deficit.


1)      If she submits an R01 with 5 mods, it is pretty obvious that she will receive somewhere between 200k and 230k if it’s awarded.

2)      If she submits an R01 with non-modular $280k budget, she is concerned that she will have disadvantage for asking for “lots of money” under current financial atmosphere.

Some may think that 20k-30k is not a big deal but it is for those new investigators who do not have other funding to make up the difference.


Any suggestion/feedback would be appreciated!




Elle Choe

Department of Dermatology

422 Curie Blvd, SCL #M8b

Philadelphia PA 19104



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