I don’t think the discipline has anything to do with it.  Can’t management from a distance can be appropriate for almost anything?  If the issue is whether anyone knows if the students are playing online poker all day, then I would suggest that they could be doing this even if he was in his office right near them.  The ultimate decision is made when the PI has to convince the reviewers of his grant renewal that his group has been productive.






From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Gray, Kimberly
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:55 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Summer Pay




OK, so I have a PI who is and has been out of the country all summer. He is expecting to get paid for his “full-time summer research” that he’s doing. He is also “supervising student researchers.” The students are here on campus working. The PI claims he is supervising the students. The students have apparently been working all summer. They are receiving a stipend for the research they are doing. They are not keeping timesheets. How do I verify they are actually working? I have to have the Chair verify their work, since he is here this summer. Should they just fill out effort reports for the Chair to certify? Is this acceptable that the PI is out of the country and still being paid and his students are getting paid for doing his research which he is overseeing them even though he is not physically present?


I talked to my boss, the VPAA, and he was ok with it since it was theoretical physics, which can be done on a computer and you don’t have to be in the lab. I am not ok with it, but everyone else is…VPAA, Chair, Dean…etc.


Suggestions? Should I jump ship now?






Kimberly F. Gray, M.P.A.


Grants Administration and Sponsored Programs

Augusta State University

2500 Walton Way

Augusta, GA  30904-2200

Phone - (706) 729-2326

Fax - (706) 434-4728


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