If the grad student is on a contract, we use the same system we use for everyone else, which is certified by someone with firsthand knowledge. If they aren’t on a contract, their time cards (that are signed by someone with firsthand knowledge) are the certification.


Grad students on contract have a different acct code than those in regular student payroll, so it pulls into the T&E report.



Joe Rasmussen

Sponsored Programs Specialist

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

The University of Montana

University Hall 202

Missoula, MT 59812

(406) 243-5078




From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Browning, David
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 8:05 AM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Graduate Student effort certifications


Simple question to a nagging problem –


Who certifies effort for graduate students at your institution and why?




David Browning
Sponsored Programs Administration 

51 College Road                
University of New Hampshire   
Durham, NH  03824                        

Direct:  603-862-0609



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