When public reaction to headlines dictates how and what research is conducted, I quit.




From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Vincelli, Diana
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 10:24 AM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NSF-URM Babysitting expenditure?


John’s point is a good one.  We would use the “headline” test:  Do we want to pick up the morning paper and see our institution’s name associated with a headline like “Federal Grant Funds Used to Pay Babysitters” -- ?  Or “Taxpayer Dollars Used to Pay Babysitters” --?



Diana Thompson Vincelli
Director of Grant Support
Office of Foundation, Corporate & Government Relations
104 Puryear Hall  
University of Richmond, VA  23173
804.289.8005; fax 804.289-8943

P Please consider the environment before printing this email




From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of F. John Case
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 4:57 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NSF-URM Babysitting expenditure?


Hello all – if you analyze the different approaches and answers to the original question, you would realize this is not as straightforward as you would like for an auditor. Anyone that has been through any audit on a campus realizes this has red-flags and is not worth the potential exposure and other questions from the agency and an auditor. You heard it before, if this type of expense is not in black and white approved in the grant application – request an unrestricted department account and from the PI/Chair. Remember, auditors enjoy disallowing questionable costs and then “extrapolating” the amount across the research enterprise.


If it ever got audited, it would cost more than $100 of people time to negotiate and justify the expense too.


Good luck - john


FJ Case Consulting Logo March 2010 final.tif

Fred John Case, Ed.D.

120 Bywater Way

Chapel Hill, NC 27516

(706) 614-1725

E-mail - xxxxxx@fjcaseconsulting.com

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From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Rene Hearns
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 4:01 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NSF-URM Babysitting expenditure?


Hi Everyone,


My thoughts are that 1) the babysitting service was provided to the grant’s attendees; 2) the cost is reasonable; 3) the cost is allowable; and 4) it is allocable.  I do realize the way the PI handled this expense is not ideal.  My thoughts are that the participants in this grant may not have been able to share their celebration with their family without this addition.  What I would require from the PI is a solid justification explaining how this cost supports the goals and objectives of the project.  From the general description of this situation makes me believe that it fits 2 CFR 220.  If I still was uneasy I would take the justification provided by the PI and incorporate in a message to the grants officer. 


Like most things that surround research, it is not clear but all you need is to have a solid logic pattern and documentation that is in compliance with the federal regulations and institutional policies.   Another option is to secure the Chair’s approval to return the expense to the department should the auditor disallow the expense.  This way the decision is being made by more than just the PI and Accountant.


Have a great day


From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of J. Michael Slocum
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:26 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NSF-URM Babysitting expenditure?


..."costs related to employee morale and employee performance are allowable. "
However, unless you are trying to establish precedent, why not take $100 from department unrestricted funds instead?
de minimis is a good rule, too.

J. Michael Slocum
Slocum & Boddie, PC
6225 Brandon Ave.
Suite 310
Springfield, VA 22150
703-451-8557 (fax)

Description: Image removed by sender.


On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Brakenberry, Melinda Marie <xxxxxx@cmich.edu> wrote:

I had an interesting question posed and wanted to see if anyone would like to provide feedback.  We have a faculty member who is managing a URM (Undergraduate Research and Mentoring) grant through the National Science Foundation.


As part of this grant, she wrote in that the 2nd year student researchers would participate in a symposium to present their research  and that a reception would follow for friends, families, and mentors.   The symposium was recently held and she decided to hire 2 baby-sitters to watch the young children of those attending this event and reception.  She would like to charge this to the grant.  Do you think this would be an allowable expense?  She said that this helped to ensure that family members with young children could attend as presented in the grant. (in total, she would like to pay each sitter $50 each)


Thanks for your thoughts…


Melinda Brakenberry
Research & Program Officer: Post Awards

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs | Central Michigan University | Foust 251

989-774-7719 | xxxxxx@cmich.edu | www.orsp.cmich.edu

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