Hi Sharon,
Here's a list of customer references that you can contact about GA6.0.  Jennifer Averitt from University of So. Alabama is a Banner & GA6.0 user.
Thanks and enjoy your weekend,

Lori Jackson  Dartmouth College / Thayer School of Engineering

603-646-2954 / xxxxxx@Dartmouth.EDU

Timothy A. Pierce  MD Anderson Cancer Center /Health Disparities Research

713-792-8327 / xxxxxx@mdanderson.org

Phyllis Lightfoot  Temple University / Fels Research Inst

215-707-4315 / xxxxxx@temple.edu

Ann Cusano Brandeis University / Biology Department

781-736-3101 / xxxxxx@brandeis.edu

Thomas Lagen  University of Illinois at Chicago / Dept of Biological Sciences MC 066

312-996-2222 / xxxxxx@uic.edu

Melanie Barry Communities In Schools of North Texas

972-436-6377 / xxxxxx@cisnt.org

Jennifer Averitt University of South Alabama / Dean's Office

251-460-7440 / xxxxxx@usouthal.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org]On Behalf Of Finnerty, Sharon
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 2:58 PM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Grants administration software

Hello all,

Does anyone use the Grants Administration 6.0 software program from Dyna-Quest Technologies who would be willing to share their opinion offline?


Sharon Finnerty

Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Government & Foundation Relations

Office of Academic Affairs
Siena College, SH 219
515 Loudon Road
Loudonville, NY 12211-1462
Tel. (518) 783-2307
Fax (518) 786-5013



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