Dear Colleagues,
I have not received any responses so perhaps nobody has a policy about sharing the proceeds from IP with the foundations. Are we all just accepting those terms on a case by case basis? How do you determine that the terms are reasonable
in each case?
Thanks for your thoughts.
From: Research Administration List []
On Behalf Of Hamilton, Zoya
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 3:08 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] sharing the proceeds from IP with foundations
Dear Colleagues,
Some foundations in their standard award terms stipulate that the recipient would share proceeds from commercialization of IP that might be developed as a result of the foundation’s funding. While we do not object to those terms if they
are reasonable, we would like to develop a standard approach to royalty distribution to the foundation for awards with these terms. Do you have a policy that speaks to this? I would appreciate learning about your organizations’ approaches.
Please note that this is not about the distribution of royalties between the inventor and the institution (we have that policy in place).
Thank you very much,
Zoya Hamilton, CRA
Sr. Associate Director, Research Administration
Tufts University
136 Harrison Ave
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 636-6709 (tel)