Not sure if you have reviewed the RACC website yet. This has pretty much all you need to know as far as suggestions, practice tests, etc., in order for you to become a CRA. The What is Certification link will give you the requirements in order to apply for the CRA but I would also Pay particular attention to the Body of Knowledge link as it has the requirements for the realm of knowledge for which you will be tested and should know.
I attended a review session prior to taking my test. It was extremely helpful in that it helped me become more aware of my strengths and weaknesses prior to taking the test. I would highly recommend it.
Hopefully this helps. Brenda
Brenda R. Griffin, CRA
Proposal and Award Manager/Contracting Officer
Office of Grant and Research Development
Washington State University
PO Box 643140
423 Neill Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-3140
Phone: 509-335-5447
FAX: 509-335-1676
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Davis-Topmiller, Rochelle (davrh)
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:14 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] CRA
Can anyone give me some insight on what it takes to become a CRA? I have looked at several websites but the information isn’t consistent. I would appreciate your input.
Rochelle D. Davis-Topmiller
Financial Administrator II
Department of Public Health Sciences
University of Cincinnati
(513) 558-2746
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