Smells like spam


Gloria Greene, MA, CRA


UAHuntsville, Office of Sponsored Programs

301 Sparkman Drive, VBRH E26

Huntsville, AL  35899

Voice: (256) 824-2657

Fax: (256) 824-6677


"The person who knows 'how' will always have a job. The person who knows 'why' will always be his boss."   -- Diane Ravitch


From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Stuart Ross
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Dove Grant Scam


Why does the 17th anniversary secretary have to the 18th anniversary secretary's work?
Seems downright unfair to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List on behalf of Pamela Napier
Sent: Wed 9/1/2010 7:38 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Dove Grant Scam

Have any of the rest of you received a notice like this (see original
message below) with this subject line:   Confirm receipt of your Dove Grant
with Ref. No: DF0/024/991146612

What a scam!


     Pamela Napier, Associate Director
     Office of Sponsored Programs, Western Kentucky University
     College Heights Blvd. #11026, Bowling Green, KY  42101-1026
     Phone:  270.745.5328   ~~   Fax:  270.745.4211
     <>   ~~

-----Original Message-----
From: The Dove Foundation []
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:30 PM
Subject: Confirm receipt of your Dove Grant with Ref. No: DF0/024/991146612.

The DOVE Foundation.
69 Chapel Street,
London W1B 4DA.
United Kingdom.
Dear Recipient,

RE: Grant Notification.

This is an official notification to you by the board of trustees of The
DOVE Foundation as one of the recipients of cash Grant Award for your
personal business and community development. The DOVE Foundation was
founded 29/03/92 by the Multi-Million groups and companies in Europe
having their corporate Head Quarters in Belgium (Brussels) and was
conceived with the objective of humanitarian growth and community
development. To celebrate the 18th anniversary program, The DOVE
Foundation is giving out a cash donation of £1,200,000.00 (One Million and
Two Hundred Thousand British Pounds) each to 8 lucky recipients.

These specific Grants are awarded to 8 lucky international recipients
worldwide. At least 20% of the awarded Grant funds should be used by you
(the Recipient) to develop a part of your community. This is a yearly
program, which is a measure of Universal Development Strategy Program
(UDSP). The objective of this program is to make a notable change in the
standard of living of the people all around the world.The DOVE Foundation
has been assured of the highest organizational standard courtesy of the
United Nations. Who says "It is our belief that we can achieve a great
positive change in the general welfare of the universe through this
program". That is why the DOVE foundation is doing everything possible to
get all recipients notified of their donation via email and Telephone.

Beneficiaries to this Grant have been chosen from different countries all
over the continents. The idea of this donation is that within ten years
from now or thereabout, there shall be notable changes among many unusual
people around the world. This will give many people the opportunity to get
their lives to a stage where they've always wanted. Kindly note that you
will only be chosen to receive the donation once, which means that
subsequent yearly donation will not get to you again. Take time and
thought in investing the donation wisely on something that will last you a
long time.

Based on the random selection exercise of internet websites and millions
of supermarket cash invoices worldwide, our collaborators, you were
selected among the lucky recipients to receive the awarded sum of
£1,200,000.00 (One Million and Two Hundred Thousand British Pounds) as
Grant Award from the DOVE Foundation. (Note; all beneficiaries email
addresses were selected randomly from over 900,000 internet websites and
shop's cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased an

Grant Award Validation form will be sent to you to fill and returned as
soon as you've acknowledged this notification email with your interest in
receiving the Grant. You are to contact the 17th Anniversary Secretary
with your information given below:
Ref. No: DF0/024/991146612.
All information is strictly confidential and will only be used for the
purpose to which it is requested. Please note; these Grant is strictly
administered by the DOVE Foundation. You are to keep this whole
information confidential until you've collected your Cash Grant, as there
have been many cases of unqualified or double claiming, due to
beneficiaries informing third parties about his/her donation. Any reported
case of unqualified or double claiming leads to cancellation of that
particular Grant Award.

NOTE: All Notification email with your interest should be sent to:
Name: Sir Peter Anderson.

On behalf of the DOVE Foundation Board accept our congratulations.

Sincerely Yours,
Jessica Ellen Young.
Publicity Secretary.
Confidential: This email and any files transmitted with it are
confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or
entity to which they are addressed. This communication represents the
originator's personal views and opinions,which do not necessarily reflect
those of the DOVE Foundation. If you are not the original recipient or the
person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be
advised that you have received this email in error, and that any use,
dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly

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