I agree that this would be considered third party cost
share and not institutional cost share. The faculty member would keep some kind
of time sheet for this “donated” time and certify that the
appropriate effort was provided to the project. And I also agree that permission
from the sponsor wouldn’t be needed. As long as the effort proposed by
the investigator was being met, whether paid by the grant or not, you’re
covered as long as you have the certified effort info in the file.
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@hrinet.org] On Behalf Of Carolyn
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 1:36 PM
To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Summer Salary
It sounds like third party cost share. Your PI is doing
the cost sharing,
not the institution. Have the PI sign a time and effort
report documenting
the time spent since they have committed that time to the
grant, paid or
I didn't understand the comment about requesting
permission for leave. And
I disagree with the statement that most summer salary is
for three months.
It definitely depends on the funding agency. NIH allows
three months, yes;
NSF only allows two.
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[mailto:xxxxxx@hrinet.org] On Behalf
Of Sharon McCarl
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:05 PM
To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Summer Salary
I don't see any reason to request a leave. The
faculty member will be
working on the project. The problem is documenting
the effort outside of
the payroll/accounting system since you cannot cost share
a summer salary
from a non-existent funding source. I would
document the effort in a
and have the PI sign the letter certifying that he or she
has provided the
effort and put it in the file.
On 5/27/10 3:43 PM, "Jason K McCrory"
<xxxxxx@UAB.EDU> wrote:
> Since you refer to this as budgeted summer salary,
there is an implied
> commitment the faculty needs to meet during the
summer months. Since
> summer salary is for three months, you'll probably
have to request
> from the sponsor for the faculty to take leave.
You already know that
> no salary will be paid, you won't have costs to move
to a cost sharing
> and that you will come up short on that
commitment. Assuming this gets
> approved, see if your institution has a policy
relating to undocumented
> voluntary cost sharing and follow it.
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Research Administration List
[mailto:xxxxxx@hrinet.org] On
Behalf Of
> Nicole M. Corali
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:06 PM
> To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
> Subject: [RESADM-L] Summer Salary
> Good Afternoon -
> Has anyone come across a faculty member who wants to
forgo budgeted
> salary. The PI is paid on a 9 month appointment.
There is academic year
> share already associated with this grant. They want
to forgo summer
salary in
> order to use it on other expenses. The problem
being, they are not
> their effort, but rather working for no compensation
during the summer.
> they are not receiving salary, we have no way to
certify their effort
> than have them signing a certification that they are
committing the
amount of
> effort originally proposed, but this brings into
question voluntary cost
> issues, but since there is no salary associated with
summer pay, there
is no
> way to track the associated cost share. Has anyone
run into this and how
> you handle?
> Thanks,
> Nicole
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