Hi Terri,

Sorry to learn of your problem.  What the Help Desk (I assume that is what you mean by "G.g told us")  is wrong.  This has never been one of the ways to process a Sub Award.  There are only three ways to do this correctly. What the Help Desk told you would work, but it is a terrible practice.

1.  Do it yourself, extract the sub and fill in and re-attach.

2.  Extract a sub blank, send to partner to fill out, and they send back.  You can enter some information into the file if you want, and control the file name.  You must check that they have attached an appropriate Budget justification and name.  This is the preferred way, if you want to avoid the work of doing it yourself.

3.  They download the blank  application from Grants.gov, extract the sub, fill in and send to you.  You cannot then enter anything, and you must still check the attachment and the file names.  Could it be that this is what the Help Desk meant when they said the sub should "go into our application."  I was told by some NIH Commons senior staff that this third method is not actually a good way to go because the sub might not get the correct application.

Never would someone send a copy of their own application and have the sub extract from that.

Please send me the message you received that told you this new way to process a sub award. I want to bring it to the attention of the FDP/G.g group.

Also, it is a good idea to check the status of applications an hour after getting the first message.  Was there any explanation why the error message email was not sent?


Robert Beattie

University of Michigan

On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 16:49:24 -0400, Terri Hall <xxxxxx@ND.EDU> wrote:

Good afternoon,

We submitted a DARPA proposal via Grants.gov and received only the first email.

Today ~ after the deadline ~ we checked Grants.gov to find that the application was rejected.

Is anyone else experiencing a lack of emails from Grants.gov about their submissions?


Also, this application included subcontracts, and G.g told us the reason it was rejected

Is due to the budget file from one of the subcontracts being corrupt. We downloaded it from the application and emailed it to

The subcontract…who filled it out and sent it back to us to upload into the application.


G.g told us that we did it wrong…that our downloading and emailing the sub’s budget form corrupts the file.

They expect the sub to go into our application, download it-- fill it out – upload it, and then email us back the application.

Is that what everyone else is doing?  I don’t recall any communication on that methodology.


The application passed validations. We’re at a loss and wondering what other institutions have experienced.




Terri M. Hall, CRA

Director, Electronic Research Administration

Associate Director, Pre-Award Administration

Office of Research

940 Grace Hall  *NEW*

University of Notre Dame

(574) 631-7378


" The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
-- Frank Loyd Wright



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