Hi Laura,

Are you talking about internal limited submission competitions for external money or are you talking about competitions for money internal to your university?





emaillogo5Sarah E. Starr, Director, Office of Funding and Research Development 

1960 Kenny Road, Room 104, Columbus, OH  43210

Voice 614.688.5546   |   Fax 614.292.59

                                               http://rf.osu.edu/ |  Go Bucks!





From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@hrinet.org] On Behalf Of Ann Laura Walker
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:22 AM
To: xxxxxx@hrinet.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Organizing Information for Internal Grant Competitions


Good Morning,


I'm trying to make my life a little bit easier (aren't we all) for our upcoming internal grant competition and I was wondering if y'all could share with me how you organize the various kinds of information you'll need during the competition? Do you put things into an Access Database? I suggest that because I use excel and the worksheet just gets TOO BIG by the end.


Any kinds of suggestions will be appreciated.
