We are very pleased to announce that the registration for the 2009 NECA annual conference is now up and running!


This year's conference will be held at The Saybrook Point Inn and Spa in Old Saybrook, CT. The conference will be held on Tuesday August 18th, 2009 through Thursday August 20th 2009. The Saybrook Point Inn is a beautiful hotel with an intimate setting that we believe will foster a fantastic conference. It is centrally located with great transportation options and offers many wonderful nearby attractions.


This year, we are excited to introduce the option to pay online via credit card. At the end of the registration process you will be given the opportunity to submit your payment by either sending in a check or by credit card online. Please note, we are also offering an early bird discounted conference rate for those of you who register before July 9th, 2009.


The registration can be accessed by clicking on the following link: 


NECA 2009


For now, please only use the link above to access the registration (eventually there will be a link on the main NECA website as well, but it is currently being updated).



If you have any questions, please contact:


Ashley L. Bilodeau

Office for Sponsored Programs

6th Floor, Suite 600, Holyoke Center

1350 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 495-2082

(617) 496-8463 (fax)




We are very excited about this new venue and look forward to seeing you all there!







Amy Gustavsson

Financial Analyst

Office for Sponsored Programs-Cost Analysis and Compliance
Harvard University
1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Holyoke Center Suite 600

Cambridge, MA 02138
(p)617 496 4771
(f) 617 496 8463


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