Sounds like a good question for the ICAG Forum. That’s where you’ll get advice from other InfoEd customers and InfoEd staff members. You can also log questions in ITEMS, InfoEd’s help system, which also contains all available documentation in easily-downloadable form. Plus, there’s a free InfoEd user group meeting coming up June 14-16 in Albany NY (InfoEd’s home), at which you can ask your questions directly of Kim Johnson, who heads InfoEd’s documentation efforts.

-Jim Strasma, University of Illinois, ICAG steering team member

From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Terri L & keith l fayle
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 3:39 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] InfoED Smarts/Genius


Do any of you use InfoED's Smarts/Genius??  We'd like to use some of the query tools, but the documentation is worse than terrible and can't figure out why the queries won't run.  If you have that figured out, please let me know!!


Terri L. Fayle
Assistant Director
Sponsored Programs
WDE 1800
University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, MO  64093


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