As the FDP terms & conditions are now the “Research Terms & Conditions” (Fed Register announcement 1/25/2008) there is only one subaward template for use by both FDP and non-FDP institutions:
“With these revisions only one version of the template is necessary (no longer required to choose FDP or nonFDP), and the forms can be used for any of the agencies that have implemented the new Research Terms & Conditions. “ --FDP Subaward Demonstration Project
The attachment 2 samples reference the Research Terms & Conditions which are hosted at NSF’s website, but are not specific just to NSF.
Sven Davisson
Senior Manager, Sponsored Programs
The Jackson Laboratory
600 Main Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
V: 207-288-6772 F: 207-288-6053
Leading the search for tomorrow's cures.
On 11/19/08 12:26 PM, "Tallman, Ruth" <xxxxxx@SI.EDU> wrote:
Hi Folks,
I haven’t visited the FDP website for some time and looking at it today, I have some questions. I don’t see non-FDP forms anymore? Or is it a separate website?
Also, when I look over the wonderful provided agency-specific terms and conditions, I don’t understand why these reference NSF certifications and NSF terms and conditions even if the agency is DOE, ARO or the EPA?
Your guidance or clarification will be appreciated!
Ruth Tallman
Supervisory Contract and Grant Administrator
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution
P. O. Box 37012, MRC 1205
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Telephone: 202-633-7109
FAX: 202-633-7119
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