They actually want the "other sponsored activities" rate of 31.6%.  I don't know why they are so set on not bringing money into the university.  They fight this every single time.

Rochelle Athey <xxxxxx@UNLV.EDU>
Sent by: Research Administration List <>

10/23/2008 03:57 PM
Please respond to
Research Administration Discussion List <>

[RESADM-L] Explanation of off campus rates and when they are applicable

We're having some discussions on campus about when it is appropriate to use our federally negotiated off campus F&A rate.  I would really appreciate reviewing some institutional descriptions of when the off campus rate is applicable and any examples that you might use to support your policy.  Faculty here have been making some very broad interpretations of when the off campus rate is applicable and we need to be able to provide some examples of what is appropriate and what is not.  

Just fyi, our F&A rate agreement does not provide a very good explanation of when the off campus rate is applicable.  

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Rochelle R. Athey
Executive Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Mail Code1055
Las Vegas, NV 89154-1055
702-895-1357 office
702-895-4379 fax

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