Dan, I could really use this also.  I would really appreciate it if you will share what you get.  Thanks Susan

Susan W. Meslang
Director of Grants and Sponsored  Programs
Tidewater Community College
121 College Place
P.O. Box 9000
Norfolk VA 23509
Office 757 822-1773
Cell 757 409-2887
Fax 757 822-1007

Click below to find the latest funding opportunities.

>>> Dan Vogt <xxxxxx@KP.ORG> 8/25/2008 3:31 PM >>>

Does anyone have a Subrecipient Monitoring plan/checklist?  We are having to do our first site visits and wanted to have something similar to an audit work plan.


Dan Vogt

Kaiser Permanente Colorado
Institute of Health Research
Finance & Accounting
(W) 303-614-1336
(F)  303-614-1395

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