Our dean of Science and Engineering would like to pay students working with faculty on research paid out of external grants more than the established rates for students.  Our VP for Finance asked me if I had a problem with this.  I don't mind students getting paid a higher amount since our student wages are pretty low for Seattle.  What I did object to is having a different rate for student work being paid out of federal and private grants.  I suggested creating a tiered rate system that is based on the type of work the students do.  The more technical work would get the highest rate but it would have to apply to all student researchers not just for external funds.
The dean asked me for the federal regs to confirm that we have to treat federal funds the same as internal funds.  I pulled some language out of A-21 but he didn't believe me because it didn't specifically address student wages.  If anyone can send me the specific rules, I would very much appreciate it.
Leesa Brown
Sponsored Research Officer
Seattle University
901 12th Ave
Seattle, WA  98122
Sponsored Research Office web site:  http://www.seattleu.edu/academics/grants

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