If Professor A is working as a private consultant and not as an employee of his institution, the institutional IRB would not apply.

Jeffrey Ritchie
Grants Management Analyst
Aurora Health Care
3033 S. 27th Street; Ste 100
Milwaukee, WI 53215
(414) 385-2883

Pamela Miller <xxxxxx@USFCA.EDU>
Sent by: Research Administration List <xxxxxx@hrinet.org>

03/08/2007 12:24 PM
Please respond to
Research Administration Discussion List <xxxxxx@hrinet.org>

[RESADM-L] Human Subjects Question

Professor A works as a consultant on a grant involving human subjects awarded to another institution—not the place Professor A is employed.   Does Professor A’s Institutional IRB have to review and approve the human subjects’ protocol for this research?  Or is this the responsibility of the IRB of the institution that received the award?
What if Professor A’s role (even though a “consultant” ) approaches Co-PI status?
Also, does anyone know where one can purchase Tylenol in bulk?

Pamela F. Miller, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
The University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
TEL  415-422-5368
FAX 415-422-6222

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