Does your institution have a separate procurement card specifically designated for travel use only? No
Or does your institution have a combined procurement card for both non-travel items and travel? Yes
How does your institution ensure that charges are not being reimbursed more than once? Pcard, travel claim, etc.? Receipts for travel and outside purchases are still required and submitted to the department administrator (Research Institute in my case) for payment and audit purposes.
Is the liability for fraud/misuse placed at the corporate level or at the personal level? Moi
I’ve had my card only a few months and have traveled only once on it in that time. Very convenient and it does free up personal finances. I have spending limits for both single purchase events and the monthly total, but I’ve had no major difficulties with either. It does take a bit of planning (what else is new?).
Bruce Steinert, PhD, CCRA
Administrative Director, Clinical Trials Center
ENH Research Institute
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Sandra
Sent: Tuesday, July
25, 2006 3:41 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Procurement
cards for Travel
Our institution is trying to gather data on procurement cards and their use for travel. I would appreciate responses to the following questions and will share the data with anyone interested. Thanks in advance for your insight!
Does your institution have a separate procurement card specifically designated for travel use only?
Or does your institution have a combined procurement card for both non-travel items and travel?
How does your institution ensure that charges are not being reimbursed more than once? Pcard, travel claim, etc.?
Is the liability for fraud/misuse placed at the corporate level or at the personal level?
Sandra M. Nordahl, CRA
Manager, Sponsored Research Administration
San Diego State University Research Foundation
5250 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-1934
619.594.4172 (voice)
619.582.9164 (fax)
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