On the contracts for which MUSC has applied (generally NIH), although the
RFP indicates hourly charging of salaries, we have submitted proposals
with budgets using percent effort and have been funded.
Susan A. Greene, CRA, Grants & Contracts Administrator,
Medical University of South Carolina, Research & Sponsored Programs,
19 Hagood Ave., Suite 606 (express), Mailbox 250808 (U.S. Postal),
Charleston, SC 29425-0808 (express, use, 29425), PH:
843-792-2040, FX: 843-792-6447
Gwen Gennaro wrote:
Happy Friday to all!
For those contracts requiring direct charging by the hour, what processes
do you have in place to make this work? How do you modify your effort
reporting to accommodate this? Or do you not accept contracts with
this requirement?
Thanks for your wisdom.
Gwen Logan Gennaro
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
P.O. Box 7150
Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150
Phone: 719.262.3153
Fax: 719.262.3706
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