Renita L. Gray, CRA
Director of Sponsored Programs
Telephone: (870) 972-2400
Facsimile: (870) 972-3418
"If my life is fruitless, it doesn't matter who praises me, and if my life is fruitful, it doesn't matter who criticizes me" - Bunyan
-----Original Message-----What office (contracts or financial) at your institution is responsible for administering dunning notifications to sponsors who are in default of payment?
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Karen Pace
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Dunning Notifications
Many thanks,
Karen PaceKaren M. Pace * Director * Post-Award Administration * University of Notre Dame * The Graduate School-Office of Research * 511 Main Building * Notre Dame, IN 46556-5602 * Phone: 574-631-8305 * Fax: 574-631-6630 * Email: *
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