We have 4 AREA grants that are still in limbo because of the following error message that everyone seems to be receiving:


Indirect Cost Funds Requested for budget year 1 must equal the product of Indirect Cost Rate and Indirect Cost Base for the same year- Error


On February 27th , the NIH emailed us and told us they would downgrade this error to a warning so that these applications could move forward and be verified. To date, this does not appear to have occurred. We have resubmit these applications at least 2-3 times since Feb 27th but still no change.


Has anyone had success getting this particular error changed to a warning? Does anyone know for sure how long we have to get this resolved?








Pamela Plotkin, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President for Research and

Director of Sponsored Programs

East Tennessee State University

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Box 70565

Johnson City, TN 37614-1707

phone: 423-439-6000

fax: 423-439-6050

email: xxxxxx@mail.etsu.edu





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