Adding to the previous message....

This is the input form on the URL:

The attached (2 pages) is (1) what the PI receives after submitting, and, (2) what the email looks like that everyone in our office recieves (in the event someone is out).

This is the web page to find "upload file for ORSP" review:


Susan A. Greene, C.R.A.
Grants & Contracts Administrator
Medical University of South Carolina
Research & Sponsored Programs
19 Hagood Ave., Suite 606 (express)
P.O. Box 250808 (U.S. Postal)
Charleston, SC  29425-0808 (for express mail, drop +4 zip)
PH:  843-792-2040
FX:  843-792-6447

Dr. Raymond Papka wrote:

Colleagues:  Thanks for quick responses.  I should have been more detailed with my previous email (below).  The investigator is applying with the R15 (AREA) grant mechanism which transitions February 25th 2006.  Thanks.  Ray


Colleagues:  I am trying to find an electronic application package for an investigator who wants to submit an ”investigator initiated’ grant to NIH; one that is NOT in response to an RFA or PA. wants us to download an application package from a CFDA number.  What do you do if you are not responding to a call for grants that have a CFDA number but just want to use to old PHS 398 form (actually the new SF424 form).  How do you get this electronically so you can submit electronically through  Thanks in advance for any help.  REP


Raymond E. Papka, Ph.D.

Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurobiology

Interim Associate Dean for Research

Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM)

4209 State Rt. 44, PO Box 95

Rootstown, OH  44272

phone:  330-325-6636

fax: 330-325-5916





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