1. Is this a training grant?
2. If not, do you normally charge tuition to grants as part of a student's compensation.
3. If so, will the grant be paying full tuition at your institute and this course would be an additional tuition charge?   
If your answers to 1. is yes  - then I think you are on solid ground with the justification statement of relevance to the training grant by the project director.
If your answer to 1 is no and 2. is no  - go for approval.
If your answer to 1. is no and 2. is yes, and 3. is no - then I think you would be okay.
If your answer to 1. is no and 2. is yes and 3. is yes - then the total "compensation" for this student exceeds the institutional regular policy.  If so I would recommend you go for approval; or reduce the Institute charge for tuition and pay the $350 to the other institution to remain within your policy.
Hope this makes sense.  Hope others will weigh in with their perspectives.
Gary Chaffins
Director, Office of Research Services
and Administration
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5219
Voice 541-346-2395 FAX 541-346-5138
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG] On Behalf Of Laura Kubec
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:35 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Allowable expense on NSF grant?

A student paid on an NSF grant wants to take a course at another institution.  Can the cost of this course be paid by the grant?

The PI has verified that this course is not available at our institution and that it would benefit the grant. 

I suggest the PI obtain agency approval, however he does not want to do this and believes there is enough flexibility in the grant to pay for this course @ $350.

Your thoughts? 









Laura L. Kubec

Grants Administrator

Keck Graduate Institute

535 Watson Drive

Claremont, CA  91711



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