
I think the key is whether they are an institutional membership (allowable) or an individual's membership (F&A).  Here is the link to A-21:


See Section F.b.(3) and also Section J.33.  Do a "find" on the word membership and you will get right to these.


Kathy Arnold
Accounting Manager I
Georgia Institute
Tech nology
Provost and Vice Provost for Research & Academic Affairs
Office of Academic and Research Support
A. French Building Room 227
Campus Mail Code 0740
Atlanta, GA 30332-0740
(404) 894-4816
(404) 385-0748 fax

At 11:15 AM 12/21/2005, you wrote:
Dear colleagues,

Are membership dues and fees allowable expenses on federal research grants? I am confused. My SPO officer says no as they are included in the overhead by the Federal goverment. Huh? is about as clear a question as I can form now.

Thanks for your help from a newbie,


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