At 05:28 PM 9/29/2005, you wrote:

I am doing some research here at Oregon State looking into different universities� policies on waiving F&A for small awards from for profit and not for profit sponsors. For example one of the universities I found automatically waives F&A for awards under $10,000 (not including federal). Any amount over this they expect to receive full F&A. Anyway we are looking in to how and if other people do this as we are contemplating adopting such a policy here. Also any thoughts as to the benefits and drawbacks of having/not having such a policy for small awards would be useful.

Bill W

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Herbert "Chuck" Chermside, CRA
Director Emeritus, VCU Sponsored Programs
Executive Director, Research Administrators Certification Council
1915 Robindale Rd.
Richmond, VA 23235-3931

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