
The Electronic Business Contact or the alternate Electronic Business Contact, in our case the Controller and Asst. Controller, are listed as the people that can make changes in the CCR and register the institution for NASA's NSPIRES system. The problem is that these folks are too busy to  deal with submitting proposals etc.  I was told by the NSPIRES help desk that  they can designate someone else to serve as the Organization Point of Contact.  I am working on that angle now.


At 04:52 PM 8/2/2005 -0700, you wrote:

Hello everyone!


Ive searched the RESADM-L archives, but cannot find any listing about the Central Contractor Registry.  I am interested in knowing who, within your institution, is listed as the Primary Point of Contact on your CCR Registry.


From what I can understand, who is listed as the Primary Point of Contact is important for NASA.  NASAs NSPIRES registration page indicates that institutions must have a valid registration with the CCR, and that the listed Organization Point of Contact must register as a user with NSPIRES, log on, then begin the organization registration process. 


Thanks in advance for your helpful responses!






Patricia A. Hawk

Assistant Director

Office of Sponsored Programs

  and Research Compliance

Oregon State University

312 Kerr Administration Building

Corvallis, OR  97331-2140

541-737-6699 (voice)

541-737-3093 (fax)


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Pamela F. Miller, Ph.D.
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