Indiana UniversityIndianapolis, IN campus

Research and Sponsored Programs

Grant Specialist II (3 positions available)


Open until filled.  Review of applications to begin immediately.

Advise and instruct faculty and staff in all matters related to the preparation of budgets, completion of application forms, and the submission of external proposals using electronic and paper systems. Review and process proposals and miscellaneous submissions to external funding agencies from schools and administrative units on the Indianapolis campus and the Regional Centers for Medical Education. Counsel faculty and staff on government regulations and agency requirements to assure compliance with these requirements. Provide guidance on sponsored program procedures and University financial policies as they relate to contract and grant administration. Responsible for advising faculty on how to use electronic systems for proposal preparation and electronic submission.

REQUIRED: Bachelor’s degree plus 2 years of experience with grants and contracts or accounting background. A combination of education and experience may be considered at a 2:1 ratio with 2 years of college as minimum education.

Please visit to apply for this position. 

Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this opportunity.



Michelle Artmeier

Associate Director

Sponsored Program Administration

Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis

620 Union Drive, Room 618

Indianapolis, IN 46202-5157

Phone:  (317) 274-8285

Fax:  (317) 274-8744


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